American Chinese Street Dance Association

超燃街舞 Super
少儿大赛 Kidos
Dance Competition
超燃街舞-少儿 Super Kidos,由联合中美街舞从业者与社会各界领军人物的501c3非盈利组织ACSDA中美街舞文化交流协会发起,与江苏省体育局、江苏省体育总会以及江苏省广播电视总台共同主办,受到中美社会各界及在美华人街舞社群的广泛关注和支持。作为中国国家级官方赛事,本次比赛的举办旨在推动中美街舞文化和体育精神的深度交流,以点带面,将在ACSDA中美街舞文化交流协会的推动及社会各界热心人士的支持下,于全美举办巡回赛,并最终发起中美决赛,为全球舞者们搭建起一个展示才华、提升自我的国际艺术平台。
About Super Kidos
Dance competition
The Super Kidos Dance Competition, initiated by the American Chinese Street Dance Cultural Exchange Association (ACSDA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed by American and Chinese dance professionals with leaders from various society sectors, is co-hosted with the Jiangsu Provincial Sports Bureau, the Jiangsu Provincial Sports Federation, and the Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation. This event has garnered widespread attention and support from all sectors of Chinese and American society, as well as the Chinese street dance community in the US. As a national-level official competition, the goal of this event is to facilitate deep cultural and sports exchanges between China and the United States. Spearheaded by the ACSDA and supported by enthusiastic members of the community, the competition will feature a tour across the United States, culminating in a final showdown between dancers from China and the US. This initiative aims to provide a global platform for dancers to showcase their talents and elevate their personal artistry.

超燃街舞 Super Kidos 少儿国际齐舞大赛中美总决赛赛事回顾
8月15日-18日,“魅力江苏 最美体育”超燃街舞江苏省街舞俱乐部联赛总决赛在镇江市落下帷幕,吸引了来自全省各地近200家俱乐部,近4000名街舞运动员同台竞技。国际乒联终身名誉主席徐寅生,省体育局原党组书记、前中国女排队长孙晋芳,省体育局副局长、省体育总会副会长张海涛,镇江市人民政府副市长武鸣等共同启动本次活动。
本届“超燃街舞”江苏省街舞俱乐部联赛总决赛是由省体育局、省体育总会、省广播电视总台主办,省街舞运动协会、江苏体育休闲频道、镇江市体育局、镇江市体育总会承办,中国体育彩票支持的覆盖全省范围的青少年街舞赛事,旨在倡导运动促进健康理念,努力为街舞爱好者搭建交流平台,展示体育风采。总决赛共设有霹雳舞1v1、自由式 1v1、霹雳舞5v5、团体齐舞竞技组、专业组、公开组6类专项共29个组别。

8 月 15 日至 18 日,江苏镇江成为街舞的火热舞台。由省体育局、省体育总会、省广播电视总台主办,省街舞运动协会、江苏体育休闲频道、镇江市体育局、镇江市体育总会承办的“超燃街舞”中国总决赛盛大开启。国际乒联终身名誉主席徐寅生,省体育局原党组书记、前中国女排队长孙晋芳,省体育局副局长、省体育总会副会长张海涛,镇江市人 民政府副市长武鸣,江苏省街舞运动协会会长李一冰,江苏省街舞运动协会常务副会长姚致远,中美街舞文化发展交流协会主席孙子然等众多领导亲临现场见证并给予大力支持。


Super Kidos-Mission
The aim of the "Ultra-Energy Street Dance" competition extends beyond mere athleticism; it seeks to promote cultural and sports exchanges between China and the United States in the realm of street dance. This event will bring together top dancers from both nations, offering audiences a feast for the eyes and ears. Through this competition, participants and viewers alike will not only appreciate the unique charm of street dance as an art form but will also experience the profound intersection and fusion of Chinese and American cultures.
This national-level official competition in China is strategically designed to enhance the depth of cultural and sports exchanges between China and the US through street dance. With plans to launch a series of international tour competitions and conclude with a final China-US showdown, it aims to establish an international platform for dancers worldwide to showcase their talents and share experiences.
On this vibrant and passionate stage, competitors will display the allure of street dance from various stylistic and cultural backgrounds. Whether it's through unique dance moves, innovative choreography, or distinctive attire, the competition will showcase it all. The "Ultra-Energy Street Dance" platform is not just a battleground for skill but also a dialogue between cultures. It offers a shared stage for Chinese and American street dance enthusiasts, facilitating a deeper understanding of each other's cultures through artistic exchange.
The successful organization of this competition will mark a new beginning in the cultural exchange of street dance between China and the US, laying a solid foundation for future cooperation and interaction. "Ultra-Energy Street Dance" is more than just a competition; it's a celebration of Chinese and American cultures. Let's look forward to this transnational dance extravaganza and witness the unique charm of street dance cultures from both countries.