American Chinese Street Dance Association
What ACSDA do for our dance community
We offer professional dance performance resources and opportunities to various communities, groups, organizations, and individuals, collaborating with local U.S. governments, council members, and key societal figures, and partnering with top academic institutions worldwide to help every dancer reach the highest stage. We provide every street dance enthusiast with the opportunity to showcase themselves, regardless of age, helping you find your most dazzling self.
The American Chinese Street Dance Cultural Development Exchange Association Alliance (ACSDA) spans across the United States, reaching cities like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington D.C., Houston, Boston, Chicago, and Dallas, impacting nearly a million people in the U.S. It provides a platform for every brand/institution within the street dance industry to expand their resource channels. In collaboration with Chinese American organizations, Chinese Chambers of Commerce across the U.S., Hollywood media and film industries, North American Student Associations, the North American College Alliance, Sports Bureaus, Sports Federations, and Dance Associations, it facilitates progress and cooperation, enhancing friendship and exchange.
We gather cutting-edge personal development resources from Chinese/American societies to provide young street dance learners with opportunities to enhance their backgrounds for school applications and employment at prestigious companies. We offer opportunities for accumulating volunteer hours, applying for the U.S. President's Volunteer Service Award, participating in experience projects in cooperation with top U.S. universities, and internships at renowned dance studios/media companies. ACSDA will bring comprehensive support to every street dance enthusiast and professional in the fields of personal honor, social status, earning capacity, and influence.